Saturday, May 21, 2011

5 Reasons Your Beautiful Website Has No Traffic

5 Reasons Your Beautiful Website Has No Traffic.

5) You have no SEO campaign.
            If you don’t know what SEO is, odds are your website is completely failing to help your web business or operation. Search Engine Optimization is a strategic attempt to get your website indexed by Google,Yahoo, Bing, MSN, Youtube, etc. These search engines account for the vast majority of all searches on the internet. Do you know what all these websites have in common? They all index millions of new URLs everyday, and if they can’t find your site at all, it’s because there’s not enough SEO to get you recognized. You will need to think about keywords, you will have to consider linking with other websites, and you should definitely create a sitemap if your site doesn’t already have one. If things sound unfamiliar, then maybe you’re best place to start is an instructional video that provides a great overview of SEO. 

4) Too Much Advertisement.
            It’s important to think about the structure of your web based business before launching an SEO campaign. How exactly is your website going to be funded? Some webmasters will use virtually free ad programs such as Google adwords to “monetize” their site. Others will link themselves to as many relevant and related sites as possible. Although these things are both good for SEO, they are terrible for your actual visitors. If people that visit your website can’t figure out what you’re selling, or they see too many links irrelevant to them, they will most likely get confused or annoyed and bounce off of your site. Keep the main thing that your selling clear and allow your visitors to feel like they’ve found a wealth of specific information that they’ve searched for and you’ll begin to create a loyalty that’s vital.

3) Your Product is Unnecessary.
            People don’t always consider the speed of the times we live in when they venture out into the business world. Even a few years ago, marketing strategies bear little resemblance to the ones of today, the biggest difference is accessibility. Paper magazines, recorded music and advertising by mail are three great examples of industries that have shifted greatly to the Internet. Paying attention to real trends is important to understanding what people are willing to pay for. Few People are willing to pay for something they believe they can find somewhere else for free, or for less money so be realistic when putting a product or a service out there. For every successful website there are at least dozens that imitate or fail to compete because they were the last to arrive. Originality and timing are vitally important to an ever evolving market.

2) You Have Zero Fresh Content
            Okay, so your website is perfectly designed and Search Engine Optimized but you still can’t get indexed, what gives? If your website hasn’t been updated in while, it could be because search engine spiders haven’t found anything new on your site worth indexing. You’ll notice the highest ranking searches on Google turn up websites with fresh daily blog posts, or articles and videos from as early as an hour ago! These are the sites that are the most up to date and therefore they are the most relevant. You don’t need updates every 30 seconds to get attention, but you should think about adding new content daily or weekly. It’s a great place to add keywords, links and other SEO tidbits that will continue to boost the relevance of your homepage.

1) You Don’t Believe in Social Media.
            The past decade has really left many people confused about how easy it is to interact on the internet. The reason it is so confusing is because every major website has become ‘socialized’ with profiles, customization, and the ability to connect with others on the same site. This simple revolution has given birth to free advertisement that can reach millions of people with little effort. If you don’t believe in Facebook or Twitter for your personal life that’s fine, but if you haven’t attached it to your business then you’re the one who is confused. You simply won’t compete in the future of web commerce or SEO rankings if you shut the easiest and cheapest markets to reach. Twitter can connect with people from around the world without knowing them, and Facebook is already connecting millions of people from all circles of life. The question isn’t why do you need to make your Homepage social media friendly, the question is why haven’t you done it yet?   

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