Friday, May 20, 2011

Website Review:

Dear Webmaster,

I took a brief look at your website
and I have some comments you may want to consider to optimize your site in the future.

1) Do you have a list of Keywords? I would first recommend selecting about 15 keywords that you consider the most accurate "search terms" for your business. I also did a search through Google Adwords using their free Keyword Tool for You can try it yourself here at: Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Here's are a few keywords that I would suggest working into your website as much as possible in the form of links, written content, and labels/tags. Since you are heavily into the Spanish speaking market as well, simply translate those English terms to Spanish and then you've got 10 very good very keywords in two languages.

Suggested Search Terms:
Las Vegas Mortgage
Las Vegas Lending
Las Vegas Loans
Las Vegas NV Mortgage
Las Vegas Mortgage Planning

2) Your website is very attractive, it's streams nicely and it's not cluttered with Ads, or wasted space. However, it will not be indexed highly by Google for several reasons.

To understand why please take a look at this website, it's one of your competitors:

If you look at the first page, you will notice there are many many links, and all of those links are actually keywords like "Las Vegas Mortage" Or "Las Vegas Loan." It may seem like there's too much writing on the first page, but that is actually what makes it so highly ranked on Google. Keywords on the first page are very important, but linked keywords are even better. You'll also see those keywords are placed at the top, Center, and bottom of the page. This is where Google recognizes keywords the most effectively.

*note: I noticed on your section, its a dead end page that doesn't work. This would be a great tool if it works but if not I would remove it completely. Web pages that are 'under construction' or not working properly will have the opposite effect you want when it comes to Google, Yahoo, and MSN, etc.

3) There are many places you can submit your website. Directories and other "Niche" Websites can give you vital links and back-links that make your business look more important in the eyes of search engines. Here's an example of a directory that your above competitor is already linked to: - If you like simply click on that link and submit your site to that directory and it will be a small start. 

4) Part of SEO means social networking with facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc. I strongly suggest to at least have a twitter account because it's a great lead into your blog/website. 

If you'd like to take the next step we can discuss in detail what kind of content that you'd like to add to your site. I noticed you wrote a blog as well that's an excellent step in the right direction, it's a great place to post 'viral' type content that will draw traffic to your site.

Anyway, take your time and think about what you may want for your site and if you need more ideas I'll be happy to meet with you and go over a plan that will at least start to optimize your site. Thanks again for clearing up my questions and meeting with me today, I'll be in touch. Take Care!


Mark Marino


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